
Why Preprimary Education Is Important?

What is Pre Primary school?

Pre Primaryschool is an early childhood program that is a combination of play and learning that is run by trained professionals.

Important goals of Pre primary school are to assist children acquire social skills and learning-related skills. Though useful for all children, these programs are particularly vital for kids in deprived teams, guiding them toward healthier development and giving them the tools, they need before school entry.

How important is it?

Pre Primaryschool provide early childhood education and care for children, and help them develop a range of skills that make them ready to learn when they start school, such as Social abilities: the capacity to identify connect effectively with their friend gathering, and furthermore relate effectively to grown-ups.

Language skills: the ability to have adequate language skills in order to benefit from experiences facilitating their cognitive, educational and social development.

Executive skills: the power to carry and manipulate data within the brain, arrange and regulate one’s behavior, problem-solve, and be artistic.

Emotional self-regulation skills: the flexibility to adapt behaviors counting on things, to manage impulses and to shift attention.

Self-regulation in learning skills: the power to hold over immediate satisfaction to realize long-termgoals, sustain attention, be persistent, and stay focused.

Pre primary school significantly successful in giving children from vulnerable families a lift, putting them on even footing with additional affluent families as they prepare to start school.

Pre Primary School provide early childhood education and care for children from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds in the years prior to their entry into Grade 1.

Settings typically include schools, nursery schools, childcare centers and private homes. Since the middle of the 20th century, pre primaryschool have been increasingly widespread given the recognition of the importance of learning during early childhood when brain development is very rapid.

One of the important functions of pre primaryschool is to help children acquire learning-related skills, such as the ability to express thoughts, adapt behaviors to situational demands, control impulsivity, show curiosity, remain concentrated and be socially competent.

As such, school readiness is not only about teaching children basic language and mathematics skills, but is also about promoting self-regulation.

Need Of Pre Primary School Education

PrePrimay School education plays a very pivotal role in a toddler's life. Preschool education offers an enriched environment, academic simulation and many socialization opportunities for children who are of the same age group. Early schooling in India plays an important role in preparing children emotionally, mentally, socially and physically for higher education and proper understanding of different subjects. Good primary education inspires both parents and students to enroll for pre primary and higher level at the later stages of higher studies. India follows a systematic process of preschool education to impart knowledge in the best possible way for better understanding of the young children. By following an easy and interesting curriculum, teachers strive hard to make the entire learning process enjoyable for the children.

Pre School and Kindergarten methods lay a solid foundation for children and help them to grasp knowledge easily in the later stages of school and college life. Every preschool must respect each child's path of learning and growth and give them the liberty to choose the activities they are interested in. Teachers must give equal attention to the children and motivate them to take part in different activities that will make pre schooling interesting and help them learn new things in life. Special educational facilities must be made available to the children to make sure that no child is neglected. Pre-primary education in India provides a culturally sound environment for the children and instills the right values to help them grow both mentally and physically. Pre schooling facilitates in grooming young minds and provides dynamic and complete development of children. By creating a formal learning environment for children, pre-primary school education helps them to understand the importance of learning and discipline. Pre Schools in India provide the appropriate environment and opportunities to cultivate young minds and encourages them to realize their true potential. Other than the regular curriculum, kindergarten education also includes different activities such as drawing, coloring, clay work, craft work, singing, dancing and more to make school life interesting for younger children. One must understand the importance of pre-primary schooling and do its best to impart necessary knowledge to the children. Kindergarten and pre schools in India should focus on the key skills: emotional, cognitive, social and mental growth of kids. These schools should organize tiny toddlers for formal schools and life, making them confident and curious learners through their interesting pre-schools programs.

Kids play different games and indulge in varied activities that make them cheerful and happy. Rhymes, storytelling sessions and movement activities help them to learn basic skills. Nursery schools through pleasurable childhood activities and games guide kids to learn simple skills of reading, writing and numbers that will be beneficial for tiny tots to cope with the pre primary level of learning. All these schools build a very colorful and engaging learning atmosphere for kids with theme-based classrooms and different activity areas. In schools children explore new world that channel them, booming their school-age learning. There are some important factors which every parent should look at, while admitting a child to a kindergarten. A large portion of the teaching materials must be produced at the school by the teachers so that they customize their teaching aids to suit the interests and knowledge levels of the students. Attention must be given to the health and nutrition of the children to ensure that they have the physical energy and natural attention span needed for learning. Nutritional and medical supplements are provided to under nourished children from low income families. Children learn spontaneously when their interest and curiosity are awakened. ‘Teaching’ is confined to brief periods according to the natural attention span of each child, which is normally 15-30 minutes daily during the first two years. The student-teacher ratio is kept very low to enable the teacher to work with small groups of 4-5 children at a time while the others are absorbed in learning games or recreational play. The most effective ratio is five students per teacher during pre-school, LKG and HKG and twenty students per teacher during standards 1 to 5. Story telling must be used to make learning fun and to communicate basic values of goodness, beauty, harmony, responsibility and right conduct. Information on people and other living things, places, history, geography, and other cultures should be presented to the child in the form of stories, pictorial information and explanations combined together to present facts in a living, integrated context rather than as a series of separate divorced subjects.

Preschool education in India can help foster creative thinking, but it is important as a parent to encourage similar methods of learning once your child is home. Parent to child communication also plays a pivotal role in a child's preschool education.

History of Preschool

India - Pre Primary Education

The pre primary education in India is also known as Kindergarten. Kindergarten, a term created by Mr Friedrich Frobel in 1837, which means "children's garden". Various types of Pre primary schools are now available in India, and more and more children are now attending preschool, indicating a rise in the need for education of kids. Pre-primary education is considered to be very important for the child as it is the first step towards entering the world of knowledge as well as a healthy and purposeful life. Pre-primary education helps children become more independent and confident as well as promote the all round development of the children. This overall increase raises questions such as whether this demand has increased everywhere. Are all children attending pre-schools if they are available? Which types of preschools do children belonging to different socio-economic groups attend?

There are many factors which combine in this vast education sector, compiling a neat amount of plus points for the growth of Preschool education in India. To ensure the quality of preschool education it is important to provide well qualified and trained teachers for pre primary schools. Facilities and Amenities are important and must provide safe, healthy and suitable environment for young children. Free food distributed in pre primary schools plays an important role in helping the poorest sections of society and curbing nutritional problems. These schemes should be well maintained and expanded. Pre schools are diverse all around the world, with a variety of different institutions that have been developed for children ranging from the ages of two to seven, depending on the country concerned.

The preschool tutelage in India is divided into two stages- junior kindergarten (Jr. KG) and senior kindergarten (Sr. KG). The Jr. KG class would comprise of children three to four years of age, and Sr. KG class would comprise of children aged four to five years. A child enters Class 1 of Primary School once he is done with the Sr. KG. Kindergarten plays an important part of regular schools; as well it is part of separate private chain. This versatility is because education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: central, state, and local. Children belonging to low income groups in society, particularly girls, depend on public preprimary schools, whereas those belonging to higher socio-economic groups are more likely to attend private pre schools. Education of children between 3-6 years old is not a fundamental right, thus it is not in the thick light. Because of this preschool education is suffering from inadequate coverage and poor quality which benefits very few children.

The importance of pre-primary schooling has been recognized by educational policy and programs in India and it has also been a constitutional commitment as a part of the directive principle of the constitution. All in all the pre primary education scene in the country is on a boom, yet with mixed reactions as there are still many loopholes to be filled in various fields.

Types of Preschool

Pre primary school education teach important social skills, improve cognitive development, and prepare your child for school. But given all the available programs, how does one choose the simplest one for your little one’s personality and learning style?

To make the decision easier, check out following preschool philosophies and programs –


The Montessori method may be a developmental approach to learning, allowing the kid to figure on a skill at her own pace to mastery. Teachers are mentioned as “guides” and student learning is referred to as “work.” Learning is hands-on with attention on social and practical life skills. A much of learning occurs through special Montessori toys/tools called manipulatives, like puzzles and blocks. Classrooms are multi-age, with attention on building a community of learners that support one another.

Reggio Emilia

The Reggio Emilia approach is all project-based. Students choose topics to explore with one another, emphasizing the importance of working together as a community. Students learn to observe and make inquiries about the world around them, and develop a drive for exploration and discovery. A Reggio Emilia classroom focuses on using the four senses to find out, and therefore the teacher is more of a facilitator, allowing student questionaries to guide learning. the thought is that cooperative learning creates respectful and responsible citizens of the world.


The Waldorf approach focuses on a child’s spirit, soul, and body. Hands-on, play-based learning happens during a home-like setting with predictable routines. Teachers seek to foster an inner drive for learning and to uncover a child’s innate strengths and skills. The Waldorf method is sort of different than most for a couple of other reasons: It excludes any kind of media (computers, video, or any electronics), and doesn't involve traditional academics. Note: Children aren't introduced to reading within the preschool years–this happens in the first grade in the Waldorf method.


In a HighScope program, a student’s day consists of hands-on experiences in well-organized classrooms with consistent daily routines. There's focus on academics, based on child development research. Teachers use a way of scaffolding, supporting students at their current level and nudging them to increase and build skills. A HighScope program uses a research-based approach called active participatory learning. A tenet of this method is that the “plan-do-review” sequence. Before beginning an activity, students actively create and express an idea for what they are setting out to do, who they’ll do it with, how it will go. Once an activity is completed, they review how it went, taking ownership in the learning process.

Bank Street

The Bank Street approach is play-based, active learning through experience. This program was also developed based on child development research, with attention on mental, social, emotional, and physical growth. Classroom materials are basic and open-ended to encourage the imagination, and therefore the teacher is seen as a facilitator. Lessons happen through hands-on activities like puzzles, blocks, art, and play.

Parent Co-Ops

If you would like to be directly involved with your child's school experience, consider a cooperative preschool, where parents work closely with the classroom teachers. the parents involved usually choose a teacher to hire. Then Moms and Dads might help with lessons, observe classroom behavior, and share within the business operation by serving on the school's board of directors.

A co-op can focus on any preschool philosophy that parents desire—or even combine multiple philosophies for a unique approach to learning. It’s important to notice, however, that co-ops require many responsibilities and time commitments.

Support for School

  • Accreditation Certificate
  • 360 Degree school support
  • Quality Management
  • Trainings for teaching & Support Staff
  • Guidance on syllabus & Activities
  • Software Support for School Management
  • Guidance regarding safety and infrastructure
  • Legal Support from Lawyers
  • Guidance on Development of your school from different aspects
  • Guidelines on migrating for Pre Primary to Secondary and Higher Secondary
  • Complete Support and Guidance to Establish a new pre school
  • Provision of Monthly Planners,Arranging competitions,Cerificates Formats
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Operational Improvements
  • Countinuous Monitoring and support