
Role of Teachers in Pre Primary Education

Role Of Teachers

Teaching in a preschool or kindergarten classroom is challenging. Council of India is committed to ensuring all children in India have access to inclusive and equitable quality education. It is physically demanding because there is rarely a moment to sit down. It is mentally and emotionally demanding because it requires that you be constantly alert and always searching for ways to extend the children’s discoveries and enhance their learning. Teaching young children can be more difficult and demanding than teaching older children! It is also tremendously rewarding when you see young children develop into independent and self-confident thinkers, doers, and problem-solvers. The following is a list of roles that teachers of young children must assume in order to provide quality learning experiences. By fulfilling these roles, you will teach children to think independently and creatively, to ask questions and look for their own answers through experimenting and exploring, to become aware of their own uniqueness and to value themselves as worthwhile human beings, and to get along peacefully in the world with others.

  • Planner
  • Facilitator
  • Observer
  • Anecdotal Records
  • Portfolio
  • Model
  • Support System
  • Provide Scaffolding
  • Team Player
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Effective Communication
  • Handling Conflict

Teaching Aids and Tools

As we all know that today’s age is the age of science and technology. The teaching learning programs have also been affected by it. The process of teaching – learning depends upon the different types of equipment available in the classroom.

Teaching aids are materials that the classroom teacher uses to help students understand the concepts she introduces during her lesson. These teaching aids can take numerous forms, from the beans students might count while learning simple math in kindergarten to the photos of famous people and places teachers might display during a history lesson. The process of teaching – learning depends upon the different types of equipment available in the classroom. There are many aids available these days like, audio, visual and audio- visual aids. They have very much importance in TLP (Teaching Learning Process).

Trainings and Seminars

A pre-primary teachers training and Seminars are so much important in today’s time because of the advance technology and global diversity. Student group of 2–12 years needs trained pre and primary teachers to help them develop thinking and problem solving skills. These skills will build future foundation of their learning process. Also the pre and primary teachers have to take extra care and attention to every student as they are in the most active learning stage and very sensitive to every matter. The global educators are giving so much value to pre and primary teaching courses because it has the power to transit the pre and primary student to academic world smoothly. Therefore, its importance is increasing day by day.

To teach about the latest skills, modern teaching approaches and innovative methods that can guide your students in a proper manner and can act as a helpful guide to them. These skills upgrade your teaching quality. You will get a hold on the techniques and creativity accompanied by the understanding of various teaching practices .The training / Seminars course for primary teachers will open up doors to become assistant teachers, pre-primary teachers, primary teachers and preschool teachers. Additionally, a wider variety of options to work as pre and primary curriculum developer, consultancy to pre and primary schools and course coordination as career options are also obtained by the successful candidates.

Trainings and Workshops for Teachings and supporting Staff

Childhood phase is considered to be the basic foundation stone for the matured grownups. In order to restructure the self-motivated activities of the kids and make them responsible future citizens, it is extremely important to have a proper preliminary education system in the schools. This early educational journey and experience that a child gets affect their overall development both physically and mentally.

It has been found that children exhibit a notable physical, cognitive and emotional development before the age of five. Hence, it is extremely important to have good teachers who will play a crucial role in their lives to bring out the best in the children with their endeavour.

A pre-primary teacher training course can be of great help to make future Montessori teachers having training in children handling and classroom teaching. It is a holistic course for both the aspiring preliminary school and primary school teachers. It trains the teachers on teaching methodologies so that they can provide guidance to students to reach their maximum potential.

All parents dream of establishing their children as a unique personality among the mob. To do so, they admit their children to preschools, forgetting the basic consideration of dedicated and trained preschool teachers, here comes the importance of pre teacher training course, as this course result in offering more professionally skilled preschools teacher. Elementary teacher confirms that the children get the maximum result from the preliminary education.

Child education system is a branch of teaching education to infants that deals with the key areas of their development. Early childhood education focuses on providing teaching through game play that help children meet the emotional and mental aspects.

Different ways by which pre-primary teacher training course offers training:

  • Teachers get training on understanding of behavioral and psychological aspect of the kids.
  • Teachers acquire skills of helping and motivating children to socialize and build cooperation with each other.
  • Training on latest teaching methods and classroom teaching practice combined with feedback from experienced faculties.
  • Skills of knowledge and guidance to act as mentors to children for overall development
  • Training on ability to create an interactive classroom atmosphere to get students involvement in a playful manner.

Lack of providing the right knowledge to students affect student learning. A primary teacher training course incorporating latest training curriculum is required to not only teach a child but also to encourage, guide and inspire a child to love learning.

Skill Development Programs

The early years are the time to build a strong foundation in all developmental areas. Meeting specific milestones in all five domains of development and learning helps preschoolers establish behaviours and skills that will make them successful.

  • Cognitive Development
  • Physical Development
  • Social / Emotional Development
  • Language Development
  • Adaptive Development

Play encourages all areas of proper development, from cognitive and physical to social and emotional. Here are some facts about the benefits of play:

  • Play builds self-esteem and confidence
  • Play develops problem-solving skills
  • Play encourages new vocabulary usage
  • Play teaches children to collaborate
  • Play teaches children to be alone and independent
  • Play allows children to release their emotions
  • Play encourages planning and thinking ahead

Personality Development Program

The preschool years are associated with major developments in young children's socialization. No longer totally dependent on their parents, preschoolers begin the long road to becoming adept at functioning on their own in the world. During early childhood (ages 2–6), children gain some sense of being separate and independent from their parents. According to Erikson, the task of preschoolers is to develop autonomy, or self‐direction, (ages 1-3), as well as initiative, or enterprise (ages 3- 6). Personality includes those stable psychological characteristics that define each human being as unique. Both children and adults have personality traits (long‐term characteristics, such as temperament) and states (changeable characteristics, such as moodiness). While a variety of explanations are possible, most experts agree that whatever the causes, an individual's personality is solidly established by the end of early childhood.

According to Freud, the second year of childhood is the anal stage of psychosexual development, when parents face many new challenges while toilet training their children. Fixations at this stage may give rise to characteristic personality traits that fully emerge in adulthood. These personality traits include anal retention (excessive neatness, organization, and withholding) or anal expulsion (messiness and altruism).

Personality theorists after Freud have attempted to explain early childhood personality development. Learning theorists claim that personality develops as a result of classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov's learning by association), operant conditioning (B. F. Skinner's learning by reinforcement and punishment), and observational learning (Albert Bandura's learning by imitation). This latter category involves identification, or internalization, whereby children observe and adopt the values, ideas, and standards of their significant others. Cognitive psychologists speculate that personality arises, in part, from the attitudes and biases expressed by the adults around them. Gender theorists claim that personality develops from “gender identification” and “gender socialization”. Geneticists speculate that personality arises from “wired in” genetic and biochemical influences rather than psychosocial ones. To know more about Personality Development Programme Indian Council helps to know in detail about the same.

Speech and Language Development

Speech is the ability to produce the sounds that form words. Language is the words that your child understands and uses as well as how they uses them.

- Understanding and Language Development

Your child will understand instructions that have more than two steps, as long as they’re about familiar things – for example, ‘Turn off the TV, put on your pyjamas and get into bed’ or ‘When I open the gate, take my hand, then we’ll walk down to the corner’.
When your child doesn’t understand what you say, they might ask you to explain or ask you what specific words mean.

- Play, Communication and Language Development

Your child will begin to use language to tease and tell jokes. They might laugh at silly or made-up words. And at this age, your child will begin to use language in role play. For example, they can pretend to be ‘mummy’ and copy their mother’s tone and words.
By now, your child will be able to do some simple negotiation with other children. For example, they’ll be able to talk about who can play with a toy first. Their requests might also be less direct and obvious. For example, they might say, ‘That smells good!’ when they wants something to eat.

Curriculum Guidelines from Education Experts

Council of India has been accumulated, research evidence from a number of disciplines, that investment in early childhood education significantly improves a child’s health, learning ability, future earnings and life expectancy. Early exposure to learning and development of healthy lay don a strong foundation for holistic education and their capacity to contribute meaningfully to the society .

Based on the finding and research, theories of child development and initiatives of the Council of India has developed. ‘The Pre school curriculum’ with inputs from the subject experts, academicians, teachers and teacher educators. The documents will be placed in the public domain to the seek comments and feedback from the stakeholders. All relevant suggestions were incorporated in the document.

The curriculum has been designed for years of preschool before class I, which highlight the significance of early years , definition , vision, aim and objectives of preschool education. Key concepts and skills to be developed in children, pedagogical processes to be used by the teachers, and early learning outcomes of preschool I,II and III are also defined in ways that are compatible with the natural learning and behaviour of young children in the age group.

This will fulfils a long standing need of preschool curriculum which is holistic ,joyful, and aims at maximum individual’s potential leading to strong foundations for lifelong learning. It also intends to develop socio- emotional qualities , healthy attitude and skills of critical thinking , collaboration, communication and creativity.

This curriculum will provide a direction to the preschool teachers, parents, community members, educational planner, and state functionaries in providing quality preschool experience to children.

Individual Accreditation for Growth in Career

Working with Preschool Council of India

When deciding if early childhood education is right career choice for you, the first and most important question to ask yourself is: Do I like working with children? If you can’t answer yes, then this career may not be best for you. Working with children requires patience, dedication and sensitivity. Trying to keep up with them can be exhausting, but if you’re up to the challenge, it can also be extremely rewarding.

Young children are not like other students. Their needs are unique and you must be aware of this. It is important to understand that you could be one of the first adults a young child has interacted with outside of his or her own family. The separation from their parents in the beginning can be difficult, and a teacher must help them through this transition. A child can become very attached to you as a “substitute” for their parents, or they may shun you completely. Great teachers are adaptable to the emotional reactions of their students. And when it comes to your students’ interactions with other children, this can be one of the first times they interact with children their age. A teacher’s role often becomes that of mediator when children have problems sharing or learning how to get along.

Furthermore, teachers in early education need to be creative and adaptive. They must think outside their own mature perspective and be able to place themselves in their students’ shoes. What motivates a very young child? How do you hold a toddler’s interest? How do you make learning fun? These are all questions you will have to ask yourself. Lessons in early education classrooms are very hands-on. They involve arts and crafts, storytelling, exercise, educational games and more. You need to be fast on your feet and highly adaptable to continuously come up with new ways to guide children through their early learning stages.

Different Teacher Training Courses with Certification

The growth rate for teachers rising as high as 16%, research suggests that there are ample opportunities for well-trained teachers eyeing a career in pre and primary education. Council of India concise 4-month Certificate in Pre and Primary Teacher Training Course ensures high-quality teacher training which equips aspirants with 21st century teaching techniques and methodologies for today’s pre and primary learners which will help children to expand the skills aiding in their growth and development .

Further your teaching career with Council of India for Preschool Teachers: -

  • Successful candidates will receive the globally renowned Asian College of Teachers certificate, adding value to their resume
  • Aspirants planning a career as pre and primary teachers gain deeper knowledge of different areas of innovative teaching approaches and child development
  • Course curriculum consists of topics like Classroom Management, Lesson Planning and Approaches of Early Childhood Education
  • The pre and primary teacher training courses of ACT are endorsed by the prestigious Training Qualifications
  • Complete tutor support alongside access to online videos & materials to complete the course smoothly.

Syllabus and other study materials , E- education Material

The programme at the early childhood stage helps to ensure opportunities for holistic learning and growth. The Early Childhood Care Education programme needs to be determined by children’s developmental and contextual needs, providing for more need based inputs and an enabling environment. Given this need for an individualised approach, it was believed that a common ‘curriculum’ would not be appropriate for all. However, over the years it has been observed that the practical realities are different and most of the Early Childhood Care Education programmes on offer currently do not have developmentally appropriate programmes for the young child. The vacuum created by a lack of curriculum framework has resulted in its being filled with either a minimalist programme or the downward extension of the primary stage curriculum leading to overburdening the child which can have a negative impact on the child’s learning potential. To ensure optimal development for all children, there is a need to create a planned curriculum framework, encompassing developmentally appropriate knowledge and skills, with flexibility for contextualization and diverse needs of young children. A curriculum framework is also required to ensure that important learning areas are covered, taking care of all the developmental needs of the young child. It also facilitates adoption of a common pedagogical approach to ensure a certain level of quality and address the widespread diversity in the Early Childhood Care Education programmes available for the young children in India. The purpose of this framework is to promote quality and excellence in early childhood education by providing guidelines for practices that would promote optimum learning and development of all young children and set out the broad arrangement of approaches and experiences rather than detailed defining of the content. A cautious approach is being adopted to not provide a detailed curriculum/syllabus which would be prescriptive and ‘delivered’ to the young children in a ‘straight jacketed manner’. The Curriculum Framework calls attention to the common principles and developmental tasks, at the same time, respecting the diversity in the child rearing practices and contextual Early Childhood Care Education needs. Each programme is expected to develop its own curriculum to meet the needs of its children, their families, the specific setting, the linguistic culture and the local community. However, the programmes should be based on the curriculum principles and guidelines laid down in this framework. This Framework is a dynamic document and would be continually reviewed and evolved in the light of emerging needs. Also, with the adoption of the framework, case studies of emerging best practices will follow and learning from them would further strengthen the framework.

This Framework is firmly focussed on the needs of the child and should lead to improved child care and developmentally appropriate environment for children, leading to a positive impact on quality of learning and increased attainment of learning outcomes for children participating in Early Childhood Care Education programmes.